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Modest Mussorgsky » Pictures at an Exhibition

  • Promenade [I]
  • 1. Gnomus / Gnome
  • Promenade [II] Moderato commodo assai e con delicatezza
  • 2. Ill Vecchio Castello / The Old Castle
  • Promenade [III] Moderato non tanto, pesamente
  • 3. Tuileries (Dispute d’enfants après jeux) / Tuileries (Children’s quarrel after games)
  • 4. Bydło / Cattle
  • Promenade [IV] Tranquillo
  • 5. Balet nevylupivshikhsya ptentsov / Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks
  • 6. “Samuel” Goldenberg und “Schmuÿle”
  • Promenade [V]
  • 7. Limoges, le marché (La grande nouvelle) / Limoges, the market (the great news)
  • 8. Catacombæ (Sepulcrum romanum) / Catacomb (Roman sepulchre)
  • Cum mortuis in lingua mortua / With the dead in a dead language
  • 9. Izbushka na kuryikh nozhkakh (Baba-Yaga) / The Hut on Fowl’s Legs (Baba-Yagá)
  • 10. Bogatyrskiye vorota (V stolnom gorode vo Kiyeve) / The Knight’s Gate (in the Old Capital of Kiev) or The Great Gate of Kiev

Camille Saint-Saëns » Six études, Op. 52

  1. Prélude
  2. Etude pour l’indépendance des doigts
  3. Prélude et fugue (F minor) 
  4. Etude de rythme
  5. Prélude et fugue (A major) 
  6. Etude en forme de valse

Charles Gounod / Paley » “Das Walpurgisnacht” from Faust

Alexander Paley, piano (bio)

Concert is free, unticketed seating;
please consider supporting the festival with a donation

COVID MESSAGE: Masks are required for all attending the performance. This is subject to change in accordance with CDC, state, and federal guidelines.